Expiring period for all companies, which have not operated in 2017

In accordance with the current version of Art. 38 (9) of  the Accounting Act, the companies, which have not operated during the reporting period 01.01.2017 – 31.12.2017, are obliged to submit an application form in this sense to the Commercial Register by 31st March 2018.

Pursuant to the instructions, published on the website of the Registry Agency, applicant of this application form within the meaning of Art. 15 (3) of the Commercial Register and the Non-profit Legal Entities Register Act shall only be the representative of the company or an attorney-at-law. The applications could be submitted on paper or by electronic means, and no fee is due for their examination. The leadership of the agency has indicated its willingness to extend the working time of the Registry – Sofia city, in case that the number of the clients submitting their applications on paper increases.

Nevertheless, due to the soon expiring deadline, as well as in order to save time and efforts of our clients, we, at “Velinov and Partners” Consulting House, could draft and submit the necessary documents. The time all of this would take for the director is between 5 to 10 minutes. For more information – contact us by e-mail: office@advokatite.bg.

Author: Vesela Velinova, attorney-at-law

Member of the “Velinov and partners” Consulting House

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