May 16th is the day when the practical seminar in Ruse on the subject of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) will be conducted. The sponsor and facilitator of this event is the Bulgarian-Romanian chamber of commerce and industry. Attorney at law Asen Velinov, senior partner at Velinov & Partners Consultancy, together with Pavel Hriskov, Manager of Inteleksis Ltd. which is a Consultancy in the field of business technology, will for the second time be speakers at an event dedicated to introducing the Regulation before its enactment and entering into effect on May 25th 2018. The previous such event, “Get ready for the GDPR”, was organized by b2b Media on February 27th in Sofia. Based on the feedback received from the first seminar and mostly from Clients which both speakers are working with in their effort of bringing their companies into a state of compliance via implementing the GDPR, special attention will be focused on the risks accompanying the process of adapting the companies to the new regulation’s rules. The event won’t be conducted solely as a lecture but will also be organized as a discussion which is expected to last several hours during which time anyone should be able to address the speakers with specific questions in regards to their particular business. The General data protection regulation requires familiarization with the legal requirements as well as consultations with a legal specialist in order for each section to be broken down and conveyed in a state in which it could be easily understood. “It is of the utmost importance that the execution of the internal assessment of the company’s activities as well as the following implementation of the required organizational measures be assigned to a specialist who is not only be acquainted with the necessary knowledge in the field of data protection as well as the complexities of the particular company’s activities, but also has a legal background”, such was the comment provided by Attorney at law Asen Velinov who has an extensive background and experience in the field of commercial, property, contract law as well as public procurement. Getting familiar with the GDPR before May 25th is an obligation for each European citizen regardless if the latter acts in hers/his capacity of an owner of a company, communications agency or an ecommerce business. The main subject to be addressed at the seminar in Ruse on May 16th is in regards to the details of the Regulation.